Scanmed Technology (S) Pte Ltd is proud and honored to be the official licensed distributor for GovTech SPOTON Smart Thermal Scanner.
As Singapore gradually opens up, more and more smart thermal scanner are being set up in various buildings (shopping malls, office buildings, place of worship and more) to minimise congestion, same time providing quick and accurate temperature readings.

Air dis-infection technology has become critical in hospitals, as mounting evidence demonstrates the limits of hand hygiene, surface cleaning, and protective gear such as masks, respirators, and gowns.

Novaerus portable air dis-infection devices use a non-selective, rapid killing, patented plasma technology, offering a unique and safe solution to kill airborne viruses 24/7. The technology has been independently tested to reduce MS2 Bacteriophage, a commonly used surrogate for SARS-CoV* (Coronavirus) by 99.99%.

Novaerus units operate continually and are safe around the most vulnerable patients, including Covid-19 patients in respiratory distress. A number of hospitals worldwide, including in Wuhan, China, have installed Novaerus portable units to help reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among healthcare workers and patients.